Friday, March 11, 2011

Cool New Management Device- Ecobee T-Stat

Here is a question for the ladies reading this: Have you ever left the house and wondered if you left your curling irons plugged in, the clothes iron plugged in or the stove still on? More than likely you answered yes to all of the above. In the past, I know that my wife has done this, heck we have even pulled back into the driveway a time or two so she can go check these items.

Today, I cant help you with the curling iron, iron or stove issue, but what I can help you with is the other question that people ask themselves when they either go out of town or just leave for the day. What is the thermostat set at?

I know a lot of people own setback thermostats that change the temperature in their homes at certain times of the day, but lets face it our schedules are constantly changing. I encourage you to use this setback feature on your thermostat, if you have one that allows this, and you will save money on your utility bills. In reality most of the setback thermostats are set to HOLD, which means it is just set at a certain temperature and left there. So today I want to introduce you to an even cooler, more up to date way to control your homes temperature from anywhere in the country.

I recently installed an Ecobee thermostat at my home as a way of trying it before we offer them to our customers. We love it! The Ecobee smart thermostat is by far one of the coolest new thermostats I have seen. This thermostat is Internet based and can be controlled remotely from anywhere you have Internet access. It also works with you iPhone or Android using the Ecobee App. I have been meaning to write about this new thermostat for a while and we have been testing ours so I could give you some great feedback and answer questions if you had any. Well my buddy, Daniel Sinclair down in Lubbock, Texas beat me to it. He blogged about this last week so now I am sure I will have to hear from him about me being a follower, instead of the leader (just kidding Dan).

The Ecobee thermostat is a WIFI enabled thermostat that has tons of features on it. You can operate this thermostat on your phone just like when you are at home and there are no additional monthly fees for this service! The photo above is my lovely bride controlling our home thermostat from here I-Phone. Pretty Cool, Right? Also you can setup a program for your home comfort system from any computer on the Ecobee website. Another really neat feature about this thermostat is that you can look at reports that show everything you would ever want to know about your home comfort system and thermostat. You can see run times, temperature fluctuations, humidity levels, and be alerted (by email) when something is wrong or needs attention.

One of the coolest things that I personally like is the weather button on the thermostat. I can walk up to my thermostat and see what the current weather condition is outside or I can push the weather button and get a 7-day extended forecast. So if I miss the news and don't see the weather report I just walk a few feet and push a button and there it is.

For the commercial customers, if you own several different businesses or one business, you can access this thermostat at any time! You can set temperature limits and even lock out the thermostat (passwords can be enabled) if you want. This can help you save money with your energy bills and know that you still have some control over what happens at your business.

This thermostat has so much more to offer with the phone applications, web portal, and reporting.

If you have any questions about this Ecobee thermostat you can either visit their website or give me a call.

You can also view Daniels blog site for more information. 

Make it a great day!

James Gallet


  1. James - have you seen the eMonitor? It actually let's you see if that proverbial iron was left on. I have one installed at my house and if I leave something on that shouldn't be on - it sends me a text alert. Or I can use an app on my iPhone to see everything that's on in my house. I'm probably saving $30-40 a month in electrciyy.

  2. Anonymous-Thanks fo rthe tip, I checked out the e-monitor and like the features. I have an Energy Detective in my home, however it does not work with I-Phone so I think that the e-monitor would be more appealing. There is no price information on their website, what did you pay for you device? Did you install it yourself?

